by max kulchinsky

“all in a life’s work.”

MAY 1, 2023
9:46 AM ET

Pack Your Romantic Mind (2022)       
20x20” Painting
Acrylic & Paint Pens on Canvas

Second in the “Feedback Loops” series of physical paintings inspired by AI-created reference images.

The first in the series -- We’re All Adults Here -- was directly inspired by an AI reference, while each subsequent reference was created by digitally collaging AI variations of the previous physical painting.

Acrylic, Art, Feedback Loops, For Sale, Paint Pen, Painting, Spray Paint, Watcher

eternal promise (2021)       
18x18” Painting
Acrylic, Paint Pens, & Spray Paint on Canvas

First artwork featuring the Watcher symbol.

Acrylic, Art, For Sale, Paint Pen, Painting, Spray Paint, Watcher